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Social Distancing: Can You Still Employ A Tradesperson?

Social Distancing: Can You Still Employ A Tradesperson?

At this extraordinary time, it can be hard to know what is ok and safe, and what isn’t. One thing is for certain: we need to adhere to the guidelines in order to ensure that this situation is controlled and over as soon as possible. However, we also want to support local traders, many of whom are being hardest hit through loss of earnings. And, finally, we NEED our tradespeople – we can’t function indefinitely without a working boiler, safe electricity, or with leaking plumbing.

So, in these confusing and trying times, we take a look at how we can stay safe and healthy while maintaining our homes and supporting local tradespeople.

How to hire a trader during lockdown

  • Minimise face to face contact by organising a video call instead of a visit to your home. A good local trader will be able to get a good idea of what needs to be done and can ask you to zoom in on certain elements.
  • Be more flexible with the budget. While camera footage is useful, it won’t necessarily show the whole picture. A trader will probably be able to give you a quote based on video footage and photos, but you need to accept that there will be more leeway in the quote than normal.
  • Allow for delays or missed appointments due to illness. It is more important than ever to be careful about who you come into contact with. If you do need to employ a trader, let them know that you understand if they need to self-isolate in order to comply with government advice.
  • Keep your distance. When you meet, don’t be tempted to shake hands. Whether you are inside or outside your home, make sure that you maintain at least 2 metres between you and any traders. If that’s not possible due to the size of the room, don’t go in the room at the same time! Let the trader in, and stand outside the room to answer any questions.
  • Consider the trader. If you or anyone in your household becomes ill, you MUST let the trader know. If someone is isolating in a separate part of the house, the trader might still be happy to fulfil the work but their safety comes first and they have every right to postpone the appointment until everyone in your household has completed their recommended self-isolation.
  • When a trader arrives, if possible, set aside a specific room for them to wash their hands and show them where to wash as soon as they arrive.
  • Ventilate – if possible, keep as many windows open as you can to help circulate clean air throughout your home.

Traders are frontline workers – at Trust A Trader, we have long considered them to be our heroes! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for next week’s blog, when we will be talking about how you can prepare for traders to help protect them, you and your household.


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