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Electrical Safety Register

Trust A Trader’s online directory was created to help protect trustworthy traders and to help our customers to find tradespeople and organisations near them that they can depend on. We know it can be hard to find good local traders, which is why we vet all the organisations registered in our directory and encourage them to gain membership of appropriate professional bodies.
The electrical Safety Register (ECA) is a universal register of approved electricians, compiled by the charity <a href="/trade-associations/electrical-safety-council/">Electrical Safety First</a>, and the trade association the <a href="/trade-associations/electrical-contractors-association/">Electrical Contractors’ Association</a>. The not for profit organisation has over 20,000 registered, certified electrical operators who are known to achieve, and are bound by, high standards of electrical safety regulations. AS well as running public awareness campaigns about electrical safety, the electrical Safety Register promotes professional development for all of its members.
Through this collaborative working, a consumer looking for a reliable electrician on Trust A Trader can search with peace of mind. When you choose an electrician who is on the electrical safety register, you are choosing a professional who meets all required electrical safety regulations.