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Lockdown V3 – What You Need to Know

Lockdown V3 – What You Need to Know

It may not be a surprise to many that we have entered another lockdown, nearly a year after we first heard the word “coronavirus”. With so many different rules and regulations, it can be hard to know what we can and can’t do. In many ways, the country-wide lockdown is easier to decipher than the somewhat complicated tier system. If you are a trader, or someone hoping to get work done on your home, here is what you need to know about England’s third (and hopefully final) lockdown.

Like all of us, the government has clearly learnt from previous lockdowns and has worked hard to preempt any issues and clarify potential areas of confusion from the outset. This includes workers.

Restricted social interactions

Government guidelines state that, once again, we must restrict social contact. This means that we can no longer socialise with anybody, inside the house or in private areas or gardens and we can only leave the home for essential outings such as work, shopping for essentials, and medical purposes.

Working during lockdown

As before, the country has been instructed to work from home as long as it is possible to do so. Unlike the first lockdown, the government has clarified this further. In addition to key workers and those providing childcare, the government states that if you cannot reasonably work from home, then you may continue going to work. “including, but not limited to… people working in construction or manufacturing.”

Guidelines expand further upon this to say that if you need to work in other people’s homes, for example if you are a nanny, a cleaner or a tradesperson, you can continue to do so.

This does NOT mean that somebody who has to work away from home:

  • Can socialise in other people’s homes outside of work
  • Can ignore social distancing regulations when working in a customer’s home
  • Has to go to work if they have been advised to shield or lives with someone who is shielding.

Whatever your circumstances, the health and wellbeing of both tradespeople and customers is of paramount importance. If a customer is shielding, in quarantine, displaying any symptoms of Covid-19, or is simply uncomfortable having people from outside their household working in their home, it is important that traders are understanding. Likewise, customers are asked to be patient with traders who may be under more strain due to staff absence and health concerns.

For more information about the appropriate measures to take to ensure the safety of customers and traders, take a look at the guidance published following the announcement of the second lockdown: Home Moves, Improvements and Repairs To Continue Through Lockdown.

For up to date ideas, advice and information, follow Trust A Trader on Facebook or Twitter.


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