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How To Draught-Proof Your Home

How To Draught-Proof Your Home

If you are starting to feel the chill but don’t want to succumb to the central heating just yet, try a bit of draught elimination! Draughts are one of the main causes of lost heat in the home; your heat (and your money!) is literally flowing out through, or around, the door.

Even the smallest gaps can cause a significant draught and make a mockery of any insulation measures that you have already taken.

The Culprits

Draughts tend to come from around windows and doors, keyholes, letterboxes and fireplaces. These can all be fixed fairly quickly, easily and cheaply: here’s how.

Keyholes and Letterboxes

It is surprising just how much of a draught can be produced by a relatively small keyhole. What’s more, older homes tend to have more than one keyhole: the active one, and one (or more) redundant one. If you have a porch, you may not notice the draught, but if you don’t have a porch, it is worth making sure that your keyholes are covered. You can fit locks with escutcheon covers, which will fall over the hole when it’s not in use, or you can invest in a keyhole draft excluder; a clever gadget that protects your home from draughts. This simple job will make a big difference; contact a local locksmith or handyman if you need help.

Like keyholes, a draughty letterbox can be remedied fairly easily, too. A secure external cover and internal draught excluder will prevent a brisk breeze from invading your home and stealing the warmth!


If your fireplace is not used, you can eliminate the draught easily by boarding off the chimney. However, it is important that you ensure that the room is adequately ventilated to prevent condensation and mould.

Windows and Doors

If you live in rented accommodation or are looking for a quick fix, you can use a draught excluder. However, for a long-term solution on exterior doors, seal windows and doors. Doors can be fitted with a flexible rubber or brush seal at the bottom. These can be cut to size and screwed into place. For windows and door frames, you can choose from self-adhesive strip insulation or slot-fitting compression strips. The strip insulation is made of foam and is quick and easy to fit. When the door or window closes, the foam is compressed, making sure that there is not gap for even the most determined draught. However, over time, the foam can become too compressed, making it less effective. Slot-fitting compression strips can be cut to size to provide a tight seal when the door or window closes. They are a little more time-consuming to fit than adhesive ones, but are likely to last longer.

If your windows and doors are incredibly draughty, your double glazing may need to be replaced. Contact a vetted local double-glazing specialist for a free, no-obligation quote.

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